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You saved my day,step 3 (Download the Visual Studio 2015 build tools manually.) was very important for me , because installing through NPM makes my PC stuck in installing , infinity installing process.In step 7, I repeated step 2 with flag 2015.Then it works. npm i bcrypt, doen successfully .*In december last year, I did not have that problem. everything was compatible .Thanks.

Instead of implementing XMLHttpRequest in Node.js to run browser-specific Fetch polyfill, why not go from native http to fetch API directly? Hence, node-fetch, minimal code for a window.fetch compatible API on Node.js runtime.

Wrapping the fetch function into a try/catch block will catch all exceptions, such as errors originating from node core libraries, like network errors, and operational errors which are instances of FetchError. See the error handling document for more details.

In Node.js 12 you can also use async iterators to read body; however, async iterators with streamsdid not mature until Node.js 14, so you need to do some extra work to ensure you handle errorsdirectly from the stream and wait on it response to fully close.

Stream on Node.js have a smaller internal buffer size (16kB, aka highWaterMark) from client-side browsers (>1MB, not consistent across browsers). Because of that, when you are writing an isomorphic app and using res.clone(), it will hang with large response in Node.

The redirect: 'manual' option for node-fetch is different from the browser & specification, whichresults in an opaque-redirect filtered response.node-fetch gives you the typical basic filtered response instead.

fetch comes with methods to parse multipart/form-data payloads as well asx-www-form-urlencoded bodies using .formData() this comes from the idea thatService Worker can intercept such messages before it's sent to the server toalter them. This is useful for anybody building a server so you can use it toparse & consume payloads.

HappyMod mobile App supports the following languages: English, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai, German, Chinese (simplified), Chinese(traditional), Romanian, French.

It JIT transforms TypeScript into JavaScript, enabling you to directly execute TypeScript on Node.js without precompiling.This is accomplished by hooking node's module loading APIs, enabling it to be used seamlessly alongside other Node.jstools and libraries.

Tip: Installing modules locally allows you to control and share the versions through package.json. ts-node will always resolve the compiler from cwd before checking relative to its own installation.

ts-node automatically finds and loads tsconfig.json. Most ts-node options can be specified in a "ts-node" object using their programmatic, camelCase names. We recommend this because it works even when you cannot pass CLI flags, such as node --require ts-node/register and when using shebangs.

When searching, it is resolved using the same search behavior as tsc. By default, this search is performed relative to the entrypoint script. In --cwdMode or if no entrypoint is specified -- for example when using the REPL -- the search is performed relative to --cwd / process.cwd().

If no tsconfig.json is loaded from disk, ts-node will use the newest recommended defaults from@tsconfig/bases compatible with your node and typescript versions.With the latest node and typescript, this is @tsconfig/node16.

To use it, first install @swc/core or @swc/wasm. If using importHelpers, also install @swc/helpers. If target is less than "es2015" and using async/await or generator functions, also install regenerator-runtime.

TypeScript is almost always written using modern import syntax, but it is also transformed before being executed by the underlying runtime. You can choose to either transform to CommonJS or to preserve the native import syntax, using node's native ESM support. Configuration is different for each.

Node's ESM loader hooks are experimental and subject to change. ts-node's ESM support is as stable as possible, but it relies on APIs which node can and will break in new versions of node. Thus it is not recommended for production.

ts-node uses sensible default configurations to reduce boilerplate while still respecting tsconfig.json if youhave one. If you are unsure which configuration is used, you can log it with ts-node --showConfig. This is similar totsc --showConfig but includes "ts-node" options as well.

ts-node also respects your locally-installed typescript version, but global installations fallback to the globally-installedtypescript. If you are unsure which versions are used, ts-node -vv will log them.

It is important to differentiate between errors from ts-node, errors from the TypeScript compiler, and errors from node. It is also important to understand when errors are caused by a type error in your code, a bug in your code, or a flaw in your configuration.

Your version of node may not support all JavaScript syntax supported by TypeScript. The compiler must transform this syntax via "downleveling," which is controlled bythe tsconfig "target" option. Otherwise your code will compile fine, but node will throw a SyntaxError.

ts-node does not eagerly load files, include or exclude by default. This is because a large majority of projects do not use all of the files in a project directory (e.g. Gulpfile.ts, runtime vs tests) and parsing every file for types slows startup time. Instead, ts-node starts with the script file (e.g. ts-node index.ts) and TypeScript resolves dependencies based on imports and references.

For global definitions, you can use the typeRoots compiler option. This requires that your type definitions be structured as type packages (not loose TypeScript definition files). More details on how this works can be found in the TypeScript Handbook.

Another option is triple-slash directives. This may be helpful if you prefer not to change your compilerOptions or structure your type definitions for typeRoots. Below is an example of a triple-slash directive as a relative path within your project:

Vanilla node loads .js by reading code from disk and executing it. Our hook runs in the middle, transforming code from TypeScript to JavaScript and passing the result to node for execution. This transformation will respect your tsconfig.json as if you had compiled via tsc.

If a file requires transformation but is ignored, node may either fail to resolve it or attempt to execute it as vanilla JavaScript. This may cause syntax errors or other failures, because node does not understand TypeScript type syntax nor bleeding-edge ECMAScript features.

It is important to note that the compiler will not perform any of these transformations; it just uses these pieces of information to guide the process of resolving a module import to its definition file.

This means "paths" are intended to describe mappings that the build tool or runtime already performs, not to tell the build tool orruntime how to resolve modules. In other words, they intend us to write our imports in a way node already understands. For this reason, ts-node does not modify node's module resolution behavior to implement "paths" mappings.

Some projects require a patched typescript compiler which adds additional features. For example, ttypescript and ts-patchadd the ability to configure custom transformers. These are drop-in replacements for the vanilla typescript module andimplement the same API.

ts-node supports third-party transpilers as plugins. Transpilers such as swc can transform TypeScript into JavaScriptmuch faster than the TypeScript compiler. You will still benefit from ts-node's automatic tsconfig.json discovery,sourcemap support, and global ts-node CLI. Plugins automatically derive an appropriate configuration from your existingtsconfig.json which simplifies project boilerplate.

The transpiler option allows using third-party transpiler plugins with ts-node. transpiler must be given thename of a module which can be require()d. The built-in swc plugin is exposed as ts-node/transpilers/swc.

Plugins are require()d by ts-node, so they can be a local script or a node module published to npm. The module mustexport a create function described by ourTranspilerModule interface. create isinvoked by ts-node at startup to create one or more transpiler instances. The instances are used to transformTypeScript into JavaScript.

Wherever possible, it is recommended to use TypeScript's NodeNext or Node16 mode instead of the options describedin this section. Setting "module": "NodeNext" and using the .cts file extension should work well for most projects.

When deciding how a file should be compiled and executed -- as either CommonJS or native ECMAScript module -- ts-node matchesnode and tsc behavior. This means TypeScript files are transformed according to your tsconfig.json "module"option and executed according to node's rules for the package.json "type" field. Set "module": "NodeNext" and everything should work.

In rare cases, you may need to override this behavior for some files. For example, some tools read a name-of-tool.config.tsand require that file to execute as CommonJS. If you have package.json configured with "type": "module" and tsconfig.json with"module": "esnext", the config is native ECMAScript by default and will raise an error. You will need to force the config andany supporting scripts to execute as CommonJS.

In these situations, our moduleTypes option can override certain files to beCommonJS or ESM. Similar overriding is possible by using .mts, .cts, .cjs and .mjs file extensions.moduleTypes achieves the same effect for .ts and .js files, and also overrides your tsconfig.json "module"config appropriately.

This feature is meant to facilitate scenarios where normal compilerOptions and package.json configuration is not possible. For example, a webpack.config.ts cannot be given its own package.json to override "type". Wherever possible you should favor using traditional package.json and tsconfig.json configurations. 2ff7e9595c

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